Global Talent Program

Global Talent Program

The employer-sponsored visa allows Australian employers to sponsor specific skilled labour to serve their business needs. It also allows skilled labour of a foreign country to explore their employment options with Australian employers, in case they may need their skills.


Global Talent Visa Program Eligibility

To qualify for the Global Talent visa Program, applicants must possess exceptional skills in one of the following ten target sectors:

  • Resources
  • Agri-food and AgTech
  • Energy
  • Health Industries
  • Defence, Advanced Manufacturing and Space
  • Circular Economy
  • DigiTech
  • Infrastructure and Tourism
  • Financial Service and FinTech
  • Education



Applicants must:

Talent Requirements

  • Be able to Demonstrate the internationally recognised exceptional achievements in their area of expertise.
  • Be able to demonstrate current expertise in their domain.
  • Be able to demonstrate that they would be an asset to an Australian community.
  • Be able to demonstrate their ability to find suitable employment in Australia in their field.
  • Have a nominator who is either a recognised Australian organisation in the same field or a recognised Australian (An Australian Citizen or Permanent Resident) individual who has the expertise in the same field.


Income and/or Qualifications Criteria

Must be able to meet at least one of following

  • Have an offer of Employment with High-Income Threshold of $153600 per annum OR
  • Have current employment with High-Income Threshold of $153600 per annum OR
  • Have recently graduated with PhD in one of the target sectors as a High Performing student

Applicants have to display a remarkable history of professional accomplishment. Examples may include patents, senior roles, professional awards, membership in professional bodies, research and thesis publications and any other publications and associations.

Spots are also open for students (PhD) who can illustrate their outstanding talent and global recognition across the sectors mentioned above.


Requirements for Nominators

As mentioned above, applicants must be nominated by an eligible individual or organisation with a reputation in the same field.

The nominator-an Australian citizen, PR, or eligible NZ citizen, or an Australian organization-should endorse the applicant for their achievements and international standing. Further, the nomination should be able to explain how the applicant will prove to be an asset to the Australian community. It has to be established how the applicant will be able to find employment and become established in Australia.

The nominator does not need to employ the applicant.


How to apply?

Step 1: Submit Expression of Interest

To apply for Global Talent Program, follow the first step and submit an EOI. This can be submitted using the Global Talent contact form. Eligible applicants should gather the required documents to demonstrate the eligibility mentioned above and submit the expression of interest.

Step 2: Apply for the Visa

  • Successful applicants who can demonstrate their eligibility can then receive a unique identifier which can be used to apply for the Subclass 858 visa
  • As a part of Subclass 858 visa application, all applicants need to satisfy Health and Character requirements
  • Once the application is assessed, and all the requirements have been satisfied, the department shall finalise the application
  • If granted the subclass 858 visa, the applicant can live and work in Australia permanently


What You Can Do With GTI Visa

When granted, with this Visa, an applicant can:

  • Live in Australia permanently
  • Work and study in Australia
  • Benefit from Australia’s public healthcare scheme
  • Sponsor relatives to Australia
  • Travel to and from Australia for 5 years
  • Apply for Australian citizenship (if eligible)


GTI visa Processing Time

GTI visa Processing Time may vary from case to case. They depend on several individual factors like:

  • A filled application with all the required documents
  • The time it takes the applicant to respond to requests for more information
  • The time it takes to carry out checks
  • The time it takes to get additional data from third parties (for health, character and national security)
  • Number of places available in the program


Family Inclusion

Applicants can include members of their family unit in their application any time before a final decision is made on their application. If the applicant is below the age of 18, he/she can include a parent and members of that particular parent’s family unit. Of course, the family members being added in the application have to fulfil the health and character requirements. Family members who apply for the Visa must meet our health and character requirements.


Want to apply? We can help!

Do you want to apply for a visa under the GTI program? Take the help of qualified Australia Immigration Agents, complete all documentation, and submit a robust application with us.

Planning To Study Abroad?

Our expert counselors are here to guide you to find the best educational experience and international exposure.

FAQs About Global Talent Independent Program (Subclass 858)

The Global Talent Independent Program (GTIP) is a visa program offered by the Australian government to attract highly skilled and talented individuals from around the world to live and work in Australia permanently.

To be eligible for the GTIP visa, applicants must have exceptional skills in one of the target sectors identified by the Australian government, and they must be nominated by an Australian organization or individual with a national reputation in the same field.

The target sectors include various industries such as AgTech, MedTech, Cyber Security, Quantum Information, Advanced Digital Data Science, and other sectors that align with Australia’s strategic priorities.

You need to be nominated by an Australian organization or individual who has a national reputation in the same field as your exceptional skills. The nominator should submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) on your behalf to the Global Talent Officer.

No, a job offer is not required to apply for the GTIP visa. The program is designed to attract highly skilled individuals with exceptional talents, and a job offer is not a mandatory requirement.

The GTIP visa offers several benefits, including permanent residency in Australia, unrestricted work rights, access to Medicare (Australia’s public healthcare system), and eligibility to apply for Australian citizenship after meeting the residency requirements.

The processing time for GTIP visa applications can vary. The Australian government aims to process 90% of GTIP visa applications within 9 months from the date of lodgement.

Yes, you can include eligible family members, such as your spouse or de facto partner, dependent children, and other dependent family members, in your visa application.

There is no specific age limit to apply for the GTIP visa. However, older applicants may face additional challenges in meeting the points-based assessment criteria.

Yes, you can apply for the GTIP visa from either inside or outside Australia, as long as you meet the eligibility criteria.

While there is no English language proficiency requirement for the GTIP visa, having a good command of English can enhance your chances of success during the visa application process.

Yes, work experience gained in Australia can be included in your GTIP visa application, provided it is relevant to your exceptional skills in the nominated target sector.

Yes, you can still apply for the GTIP visa even if you have previously held a different visa in Australia. However, you must meet all the eligibility requirements for the GTIP program.

After submitting your EOI, you cannot change the nominated target sector. If your circumstances change, you may need to submit a new EOI for a different target sector.

There is no specific cap on the number of GTIP visas granted each year. The program aims to attract highly talented individuals based on the needs of the Australian economy and industries.

This Global Talent Visa visa, which costs AUD $4110, enables one to reside, work, and study in Australia forever.

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