Study In UK

Study in the UK

The UK is one of the most popular destination countries to travel for the purpose of earning an education. Generation of international student have come to the UK for their education, which mean that British universities have decades of experience in working with international students.


UK education is all about giving you inspiration to develop your knowledge and skills, freedom to be creative, and support to help you achieve your best.


UK schools, colleges and universities offer you a world-class education and the chance to follow your passion for learning and gain qualifications that are respected by employers and academics worldwide.With a strong reputation for research, innovation and creativity, UK universities and colleges attract some of the world’s leading academics and industry professionals. You will be encouraged to express your own ideas and think for yourself. UK degree courses develop your critical thinking, decision-making and creativity & skills that are valued by employers worldwide.

Life in the UK

With an undisputed reputation for academic excellence, a degree from a UK university will be respected wherever you choose to live and work following your higher education, earning itself a reputation for being one of the most popular destinations for international students.


Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales and England all have their specific traits. Depending on which city you live in, the way of life could differ. For example, you might find that life in London is hectic and busy while life in Dundee and Bangor is more relaxed and simple. Punctuality and the queue system are hallmarks of British life – one is expected to be on time for an appointment, and it is considered impolite to be late without informing your host or the person whom you are scheduled to meet. Queues are commonplace in Great Britain. Whether it is a bank, a railway station or an airport, one has to wait for one’s turn in queues. There is no shouting and jostling or shoving of people in queues, and this is a good part of the British culture.

This attention to quality is reflected in the UK’s excellent results:

  1. Four of the top eight universities in the world are in the UK (World Rankings, QS).
  2. The UK ranks in the top five in the world for university-industry collaboration (World Economic Forum Global Competitiveness Report 2014-15).


International undergraduate satisfaction in the UK is very high, at 91% overall. Meanwhile, 85% of international undergraduates would recommend or actively recommend their UK study experience, higher than any major English-speaking study destinations. (UK International Unit, December 2015).


  1. The UK is a world-leading research nation. Researchers in the UK gain more citations and usage per article, and write more articles individually, than anywhere else in the world (International Comparative Performance of the UK Research Base, BIS).
  2. The UK ranks second in the world for the quality of its scientific and research institutions (World Economic Forum Global Competitiveness Report 2014-15).
  3. 54% of the research conducted by UK universities and colleges is classed as ‘world-leading’ (Research Assessment Exercise).
  4. 93% of UK postgraduate students rated the quality of teaching positively (HE Academy Postgraduate Taught Experience).
  5. The UK has the lowest student drop-out rate in Europe (Analysis for University of Southampton and IZA).
  6. UK universities and research institutions have produced 107 Nobel Prize winners (Nobel Media AB).

Education System in the UK

Public universities dominate the higher education system in the UK, where each university is an autonomous body and has its own unique entry requirements for its students. The structure of each university is not ruled by any government but an independent entity from the university that looks after the financial and strategic health of the university.


The UK universities are categorized into colleges of different subjects, which means you need to be sure, beforehand, about which subject you want to study before applying to a UK college. Unlike in the US where you have an option to choose electives and switch over to some other subject at the end of first year, UK colleges, irrespective of being autonomous bodies, expect you to adhere to your choice of subject. Hence, you either apply at each college of the subject that you are interested in or you apply through a centralized (common) system that allows you to apply at various colleges at the same point in time.

Types of Higher Education Institutions in the UK

The UK have three types of institutions public university, private university and Government university. In addition to universities and colleges, which are recognized institutional bodies conferring degrees in both undergraduate and postgraduate levels to its students, there are some institutions that fall in the category of ‘listed bodies’.

Listed bodies do not have any authority to award degrees, but they do offer some vocational and pathways programmed that may lead to direct employment or transition to a degree programmed.

Scholarships for International Students

It might be a relief to know that there are a hundreds of scholarship and bursaries available to the international students who wants to pursing there higher education in the UK.


Some of the popular scholarships to apply for include Chevening scholarships, Marshall Scholarships and Commonwealth scholarships and fellowships. University scholarships that are on offer include Rhodes scholarship at the University of Oxford, Edinburgh global research scholarship, University of Sussex chancellor’s international scholarship, Bristol University international office scholarships, University of Westminster international scholarships and many more. Information about funding or scholarship is available at each university website.

Working While Studying in the UK

Working alongside studying for your degree is a great way to support yourself as well as expanding and challenging your language skills.Uk have a great opportunities to international student in the prospects of part time job.


Before starting any form of employment, it’s important to check that you are eligible to work in the UK. You should be able to find this information in your passport or biometrics resident permits (BRP), but in general, if you are a Tier 4 students sponsored by a higher education institute for a full time course, you can work during your studies.


If you are the students of undergraduate or post graduate level, you will be able to work for a maximum 20 hour per week during term-time. During the holiday you can work full time.

Opportunities After Studied?

Non-EU students who wish to remain in the UK after they have graduated must apply for a work visa from UK Visa and Immigration. There are several visas you can apply for as a London graduate:


Tier 2 (General) Visa: This is the primary visa to remain and work in the UK after your studies. It is open to recent graduates with a Bachelors, Masters or PhD from a recognized UK university. Before you apply you must have an offer of a skilled job from a licensed employer and be paid a salary of at least £20,800. After five years of employment, Tier 2 visa holders can apply for indefinite leave to remain in the UK providing they meet the salary requirements (£35,000) and other relevant eligibility criteria.


Tier 1 (Graduate Entrepreneur) Visa: This visa option is open to all students who are developing a world-class business idea. You will need to be identified and sponsored by your university as having the potential to create your own business in the UK. This applies to all graduating students from any subject discipline.


Tier 5 Temporary Worker: This visa allows you to work in the UK for up to 12 or 24 months (depending on the scheme you are applying for). International students in the UK can apply for the Tier 5 (Government Authorized Exchange) visa to undertake work experience and internships in the UK after their studies. You can apply to switch from your Tier 4 visa to this visa from within the UK.

Cost of Living

Student’s will typically be required around 9500 GBP – 14000 GBP per year to pay for accommodations and living costs, while living in London will require significantly more than it.

Cost of Studying in UK

The cost of studying in the UK for international students varies from institution to institution and programmed to programmed. Undergraduate programmed could cost somewhere around £9,000–38,000 and postgraduate programmed could cost somewhere around £9,000–30,000, depending on a classroom-based or laboratory-based programmed.

Visa Application fees

It’s for those student who are applying from outside of the UK


Tier 4 visa,


Main Applicant: 348 GBP


Partner and child under age 18: 348 GBP


The Cost will be fluctuating according and types of visa and duration. Generally for 6 month visa its cost around 97 GBP and for 11 month its cost around 186 GBP.

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