Protection Visa 866

Protection Visa (SUBCLASS 866)

The Protection 866 visa is for those refugees seeking asylum because of the fear of persecution in their home country due to:


  • Race
  • Religion
  • Nationality
  • Political Opinion
  • Membership of a particular social group
Benefits Of Protection Visa

Being a protection visa holder you can,

  • Live and work in Australia as a permanent resident
  • Have access to Medicare (Australia’s health care scheme) and Centrelink services


Eligibility Criteria

You can only be able to get eligible for protection visa if:

  • You are in Australia on a valid visa and not through illegal marine or unauthorised air arrival
  • You meet Australia’s protection obligations
  • You are appealing for Australia’s protection
  • You have evidence of being a refugee who is defined by the Refugee Convention or meet the Complementary Protection criteria in the Australian Migration Act 1958
  • You are not barricaded from lodging a Protection Visa application
  • You satisfy the minister that the purpose of getting the visa is in national interest
  • You meet health and character requirements


Health Requirements

You must provide evidence of medical examinations to ensure the protection of your healthalong with the Australian community.


Family Members In The Visa Application

You can include following members in your visa application:

  • Your Partner (Married or de facto)
  • Your or your partner’s dependent children
  • Other Eligible dependent relatives


Note: If the children included in the visa application are younger than 18 years of age, it is mandatory to have the permission from the parent, guardian or other friend/ relative of taking a photograph or fingerprints for the Immigration Department. Fingerprints are not necessary for the children who are younger than 15 years of age, incapable and physically challenged.

Assuring the immigration department of being a refugee is not run-of- the mill job. It is critical to have the excellent legal representation of the case to ensure a successful outcome.

At Destination Education and Visa Services, our knowledge and expertise have helped thousands of clients to prepare the case in accordance with the updated immigration laws and boost the chances of approval for the visa. Being in the industry for more than 8 years, we have always provided timely & professional services and proved our mettle time and again.

Whether you are overwhelmed with the complications in your case, not sure about the suitable visa options or need assistance for the required documentation, just drop us a line, Our migration agent will reach you in no time with the best possible solutions.

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FAQs About Protection Visa (Subclass 866)

A Protection Visa (Subclass 866) is a type of visa offered by the Australian government to individuals who are seeking protection from persecution or serious harm in their home country.

Individuals who are in Australia, meet the criteria of being a refugee or a person in need of protection, and fulfil other requirements set by the Department of Home Affairs can apply for a Subclass 866 Protection Visa.

Being a refugee means that an individual has a well-founded fear of persecution in their home country due to reasons such as race, religion, nationality, political opinion, or membership in a particular social group.

No, the Subclass 866 Protection Visa is only available for individuals who are already in Australia at the time of application.

You need to provide substantial evidence that demonstrates the risk of persecution or serious harm you face in your home country. This could include documents, statements, and other forms of evidence.

The application process involves submitting a detailed application form, supporting documents, and attending interviews if required. It’s essential to meet all requirements and deadlines set by the Department of Home Affairs.

Yes, eligible family members such as your partner and dependent children can be included in your Protection Visa application, provided they meet the relevant criteria.

The processing time can vary depending on individual circumstances and factors. It’s advisable to check the current processing times on the official Department of Home Affairs website.

Yes, once you hold a Protection Visa (Subclass 866), you are generally allowed to work in Australia. This information will be outlined in the visa grant letter.

In certain cases, you may be able to include additional family members in your Protection Visa application after it has been granted. However, this process has specific requirements and conditions.

Yes, after a certain period of time as a Protection Visa holder, you may be eligible to apply for Australian citizenship if you meet the residency and other requirements.

If your Protection Visa application is refused, you may have the option to appeal the decision through the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) or other relevant avenues. It’s essential to seek legal advice in such situations.

Generally, travel outside Australia on a Protection Visa is not allowed. If you need to travel for exceptional reasons, you must obtain permission from the Department of Home Affairs beforehand.

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