Temporary Work Visa (SUBCLASS 457)

Temporary Work Visa (SUBCLASS 457)


This visa is no longer available for new applicants.

From 18th March 2018, the Temporary Work (Skilled) Visa (Subclass 457) has been abolished and replaced by the new Temporary Skilled Shortage Visa (Subclass 482).

  • MLTSSL Page
  • STSOL Page

The Temporary Work (Skilled) visa or subclass 457 allows skilled workers to come to Australia and work for an approved business for up to four years.

You can apply for this visa only if you are sponsored by an approved Australian business. Its main objective is to facilitate Australian businesses to bridge the labor shortage in their respective industry.

A business can sponsor someone for this visa if they cannot find an Australian citizen or permanent resident to do the skilled work.

You can be in or outside Australia when you lodge your application.

What This Visa Lets You Do

This visa allows you to

  • Work in Australia for up to four years
  • Bring your family to work or study in Australia
  • Travel in and out of Australia as often as you want
Basic requirements

Following are some basic requirements to be able to apply for this visa

  • You should be nominated to work in an approved occupation on the Skilled Occupation Lists (Formerly Known as Form 1121i)
  • You should meet the skill requirements for the nominated occupation: In order to prove that you have the skills that you claim in your visa application, you need to provide evidence in the form of correct documents. Also, based on your chosen area of work, you may also need to take skill assessment process.
  • You should meet registration and licensing obligations: Your approved sponsor should be able to provide you with the necessary licensing and registration information.
  • You speak vocational English: English language proficiency has different terms and conditions. Depending upon your occupation, you need to prove that you can speak, write and understand a sufficient level of English while you are in Australia. The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) and the Occupational English Test (OET) are used to determine your level of English language proficiency.
  • You have been nominated by an approved business
  • You must meet specific health requirements and must have adequate health insurance unless you are covered by Medicare
  • You also need to meet certain character requirements

Since, you are applying for this visa for the employment, it is necessary that you know what your rights are as an employee working for an authorized Australian employer. All employees in Australia are covered by the Fair Work Act 2009 including workers employed on subclass 457 visas.

You are entitled to fair pay and to basic rights and protections in the workplace. Your sponsor must provide you with the same terms and conditions as Australian workers performing the same work in the same work location.

At Destination Education and Visa Services we work for both – employees and employers. Hence, if you are an employer intending to nominate a prospective employee, we are here at your service.
If you are a sponsor, your business needs to fulfill following requirements

  • It is a lawfully operating business
  • It meets training requirements (Australian businesses only)
  • It agrees to the number of subclass 457 workers to be nominated
  • There is no relevant adverse information against your business


Two ways that can make you a sponsor

  • Apply to be a standard business sponsor
  • Negotiate a labor agreement

In whatever category you may belong – either that of a sponsor or a sponsored, we can help you achieve your desired goal. In that sense, we serve the purpose of that of a strong and durable bridge joining the two countries.

Our professional staff is trained to address the needs of both the sponsors and sponsored. We make sure that it is a win-win situation for both of you. And, if you are a sponsored, we make sure that you make the most out of this opportunity.

Visa Class

Employer Sponsored Visa

The employer-sponsored visa allows Australian employers to sponsor specific skilled labour to serve their business needs…

FAQs About Temporary Work Visa (Subclass 457)

The Temporary Work Visa (Subclass 457) is a visa that allows skilled workers from overseas to work in Australia for an approved employer for up to four years.

No, the Subclass 457 visa was replaced by the Temporary Skill Shortage (TSS) visa (Subclass 482) in March 2018.

The Subclass 482 visa (TSS visa) introduced some changes to the previous 457 visa program, including changes to the occupation lists and the introduction of additional requirements such as labour market testing and a minimum market salary rate.

The validity of the Subclass 457 visa varied depending on the occupation and the sponsor’s nomination. It could be granted for up to four years.

Applicants needed to be nominated by an approved employer for an eligible occupation, meet relevant skill and qualification requirements, and satisfy health and character requirements.

Yes, applicants were generally required to demonstrate English language proficiency unless they were exempt based on their nationality or occupation.

Yes, Subclass 457 visa holders could include their family members (spouse and dependent children) in their visa application or add them later as subsequent entrants.

Subclass 457 visa holders were authorised to work full-time for their sponsoring employer in the nominated occupation, and part-time work or work for multiple employers was allowed as long as it didn’t breach visa conditions.

Yes, Subclass 457 visa holders could change employers by transferring their visa sponsorship to a new employer, subject to certain conditions.

There were no specific limitations on the number of times a Subclass 457 visa could be renewed, provided the applicant continued to meet the eligibility criteria.

Yes, some Subclass 457 visa holders were eligible to apply for permanent residency through employer-sponsored pathways, such as the Employer Nomination Scheme (ENS) or Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme (RSMS).

Course Categories

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